Photos By Clay
Originally from Brazil and now located in North Carolina, Clay Souza, who has a degree in computer science and loves ‘geeking out’ over his addictions: programming, motorcycle racing and, you guessed it, photography.
Watching Clay walk into a room, you’ll immediately see him begin to analyze everything from the lighting to the lines.
How do you use our products in your business?
My IPS process includes showing images in a slideshow. The same slideshow that’s played on the TV, is loaded into a PlayBook with our logo sitting on the coffee table in front of the sofa where clients sit to watch the slideshow. Most of the time, clients are intrigued enough by the PlayBook and pick it up. When opened, their slideshow starts playing. It’s an easy sale. If they don’t pick it up, I show it to them.
Why are custom products important to you?
It’s all about creating great, long-lasting products for our clients. These products need to stand the test of time, be affordable, and look great for years to come.
Why did you choose this specific product?
The PlayBook is an easy sale. It’s a unique product that adds value to my clients. They love how easy it is to load images into it and to charge. Like I said before, it’s an easy sale
Is there another product you purchase from PhotoFlashDrive?
I also give water bottles from PhotoFlashDrive to my clients and they love it.
Describe the best reaction you’ve gotten from a client when giving them this product
WOW…. That’s the common reaction we get from our clients when we hand them their PlayBook.