How do I reformat my flash drives if I need to?

Windows 7 and up OS 10.10 and up

  1. Plug the USB drive in to your windows machine.
  2. Open the Computer Window
  3. Right click on the drive
  4. Select “Format”
  5. Select exFAT or FAT32 from the drop down
  6. Click “Start”

OS 10.10 and up

  1.  Plug the USB drive in to your mac.
  2. Open “Disk Utilities” from your Applications folder
  3. Select the drive on the left. (be sure to select the right drive!)
  4. Select “Erase” tab on right
  5. Select: “exFAT” or “MS-DOS (FAT)” (for FAT32) in drop down
  6. If available : Select “Master Boot Record” in Scheme (Pre OS 10.13 High Sierra)
  7. Click “Erase”

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